Terms and Conditions


Esymyauto is not merely an information providing website.  It is a platform to gather service providers and customers in the automobile industrial field prevailing Island wide.  Opportunity to use this system consists of number of features has given to the Sri Lankan citizens as an initial step and, the rules & conditions determined by the system while using those features are as follows.


1. Who We Are
This new service is provided by the new system and, the process will be commenced by submission of the customer’s request to the service providing institution.  That is, a legal account holder as a customer in the system can make a request to a place he/she desires for a time to obtain a service.  Therein, the customer reserves right to refer a time range for the service commencement on a date convenient to the customer.  The customer’s request will automatically be forwarded to the relevant place by the system once the request aforesaid is made correctly.  Thereafter, the said request must be accepted only if the service station can provide the service within the relevant date and time.  Its absolute responsibility and the right of taking due decisions according to the information provided by the customer reserves with the service providing institution.


2. POS (Point of Sale) System

There are several methods for the clients in automobile industry to link with the system


2.1 For people who engage with selling of goods relating to the automobile field using online   



        2.2 For a shop / service station or institutions supplies goods and services (SERVICE PROVIDER)


Individuals who register under 02.1 above are not entitled for an entire system permission and, the facility of ARTICLE will be entitled to publish / sell goods or provide technical knowledge via online using said account.


Individuals who register under 02.2 above are entitled for the entire system permission including following features.


  • ·        USER INTERFACE created for easy use
  • ·        Adding new goods
  • ·        Adding new services
  • ·        STOCK MANAGEMENT / GRN facility of updating good stocks
  • ·        Ability of handling CASH, CARD, CASH AND CARD, CREDIT, ONLINE PAYMENT separately, while on selling
  • ·        Ability of finalizing a bill by an alternative employee (which was not finalized by an employee) via ONGOING BILL MANAGEMENT feature
  • ·        POS system with ONE TIME MULTI-BILL facility to handle number of bills at once
  • ·        Ability of granting DISCOUNT for goods and services separately or at once for the entire bill
  • ·        Ability of using VOID BILL, RETURN, RECALL facility
  • ·        Ability of issuing 3INCH PRINTER bills which could be used by every institution, instead of using  large papers
  • ·        Ability of using OWN CUSTOMER BASE/COMMON CUSTOMER BASE facility
  • ·        Ability of storing data of own customers separately
  • ·        The system consists of many facilities such as TOP CUSTOMER, CREDIT CUSTOMERS to control the customers
  • ·        Customers can LOG into the system separately using USE ACCOUNTS through which they can check reports etc. themselves
  • ·        Ability of maintaining CREDIT ACCOUNT separately for the customers
  • ·        Ability of ONLINE MANAGING all businesses of the owner at any part in the world
  • ·        Ability of creating  several shops using one account
  • ·        Getting a PUBLIC WEB PAGE exclusively for you created separately for each shop
  • ·        Ability of updating the PUBLIC WEB PAGE easily
  • ·        Ability of creating accounts for each shop separately for each employee using EMPLOYEE ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENT facility
  • ·        Allowing each employee to carry on each service or suspending service using ACCESS CONTROL facility
  • ·        Ability of checking sales of each employee separately
  • ·        Ability of handling the information of goods suppliers
  • ·        Ability of checking goods separately, provided by each goods supplier
  • ·        Ability of easy classification of good stocks for number of methods such as MINUS STOCK, RICH STOCK, ZERO STOCK
  • ·        Ability of obtaining FAST MOVING (TOP SALES) data in goods and services
  • ·        Ability of checking daily sales at the same time via LIVE DASHBOARD facility
  • ·        REPORT CHECK facility to check the sales of goods/services and profit and loss on daily, weekly, monthly basis etc.
  • ·        Ability of obtaining graphs and data reports
  • ·        Ability of finalizing day to day accounts using on LODGE METHOD
  • ·        (DSE) DAY SALES END facility and ability of PRINTING a summary bill of the daily report
  • ·        Ability of changing the theme of the user’s account as he/she wishes
  • ·        Ability of working as various shops / service station staff, using one or few passwords and one telephone number


02.3      The above-mentioned information are allowed for the service providers using system and, features that are not available therein could be added newly to the existing system or in future.  In using the system, the existing facilities will never be removed at once.


·          In the event of arising issues with regard to providing said facility under any legal circumstance,

·          In the event of understood that facilities won’t further be required to retain in the system based on any clear reasons,

·          In the event of any feature is added to the system to provide said facility more suitably / easily,


In case any facility in the system which is used by you need to be removed or changed based on the matters aforesaid, you will made fully aware with  regard to that and,


The relevant update will be added to the system on your consent / without your permission as may deem fit.


At the event of such update

·        Loss of your personal data

·        Loss of your customer data

·        Loss of your sales data


Won’t be occurred at any circumstance.  But the system is updated based on the essential reasons so that additions to the system will be made after a prior notice, based on the results of supervising past period of 90 days to detect the time within which the system was used least.


02.4      Following matters must be taken into consideration when providing goods and services using the system and,


·        Services provided by you must not be linked directly with the automobile field

·        Goods supplied by you must not be linked directly with the automobile field

·        Disregarding customer complaints made with reasons who obtained the service

·        In the event of disregarding the promises given by you such as granting discounts or any other gifts

·        In the events of defaulting a payment duly, only when a price has been determined in the system.

·        Attempting to UN-permitted use of the system

·        Conducting businesses by which arise legal or social issues


As decided by the administrative panel of the system according to the matters aforesaid


·        Giving an attentive notice

·        Clearing off the code of verified number (if any) of the system permanently / temporarily

·        Preventing from re-selling the service or goods by which arise issues

·        Breakdown of any part of the system

·        Temporary suspension of the issue related account

·        Permanent suspension of the issue related account


Measures aforesaid will be taken as appropriate or automatic measures will be taken as Pre-planned by the system.


02.5      You are fully permitted to make aware of the system with regard to the issues arise while you are using / logging into the system or at any other event on any reason and, you are fully entitled to make complaints / notice together with your account number even at the event of above-mentioned measures have been taken.


We will take measures for you as service providers to solve any defect occurs (if any) within a minimum time, to remove back the said decision when feels it is inappropriate / defective, in an event of any measure aforesaid has already been taken.


03.       Public Web Page


Each and every shop entitles to an own web page and it will be displayed when the relevant information have been entered properly.


03.1 Inactive web pages

03.2 Active web pages


As mentioned in 03.1 above, matters such as


·        Misleading of customers

·        Using false information

·        The required basic parts has not been completed correctly

·        A page containing information that are not relevant to the automobile field

·        Complaints made logically and continuously by the customers and,


The web page could be a


·        Temporary/permanent inactivation occurred automatically

·        Temporary/permanent inactivation occurred after checking by the institution


Based on the matters aforesaid.


                Maintaining of an active web page as mentioned in 03.2 above


An account becomes inactivated at the event stated in 03.01 above, the web page will be automatically re-activated after solved by the service provider or


In the event of clarified that defects exist therein when determined by the institution.


Only services published out of the goods and services added to the system by you will be displayed in your account.  When services are entered by way of not publishing but only for the use of systems (POS), it won’t be displayed in the web page.


The web page could be updated and added new features.  If you want to use them, your account has to be updated and this process could be done without giving prior notice.  No permission to enter to the old menu in an event of repairing the web page and we will take steps to update it at every time with less defects.


03.3      You are allowed to use the web page as the common web page of your business.  The facility of updating URL in the web page as your business-name.esymyauto.lk won’t be given directly via system and you can update by making us aware of.


04. Marketplace


                Your services are displayed in the web page mentioned in 02 above and goods allowed by you to sell in public will be displayed here.


              This feature has designed targeting the form of a competitive market apart of separate accounts.  Here, priority to an institution sells each                 good won’t be given and priority will be given only for the goods.


                Updates could be done without prior notice and awareness with regard to that will be done by the system.


05.       Article


Permission to share the knowledge of legal matters, general matters and technical matters relating to the automobile are granted in the form of articles and all service providers are entitled for this permission.  Individuals who possess knowledge and who are not service providers are allowed to publish information in the website in the form of articles using a separate account namely Author.


Articles brought out by you are published without Pre-checking and if any user/reader reports to the systems with regard to the content of said articles, the said article will be automatically checked by the system and by the institution as well.  Then we will take steps based on the reason for said reporting.


In the issues relating to the Author, decisions are taken based on the acceptable sources after checking correct data and, letters containing information irrelevant to the automobile field will be removed without prior notice.  Accounts commit repeatedly the same error will be suspended avoiding re-registration.


Our institution reserves permission to take appropriate measures as per the occasion regarding an article published with prejudice to any party or an un-permitted advertisement, when a third party is available.


06.       General


            06.1      No special consideration/impact to any institution, trade name, business, person, team will be made by this system on whatsoever manner and permission to publish advertisements under definite or/indefinite time group at definite places for a definite time period is granted by making payment to any institution, trade brand, business or our institution.  It will be an essential factor to join with the automobile industry.


            All types of businesses entitle a common chance to publish advertisements as aforesaid and it will be decided according to the space available.


            06.2      As both service providers and clients are users in this system, you may get top business opportunities by working more carefully.  Also the institutions/businesses behave contrary to the basic core of the system will be removed temporarily/permanently by giving prior notice/without giving notice.


            06.3      Our institution do not hold responsibility regarding the information contained in the articles published here and they are submitted by each service providing institutions or writers.  But we, as a service platform who respect to the legal frames work without prejudice to any party as described in paragraph 04 above.


            06.4      When providing services by service stations, our institution doesn’t hold responsibility regarding the service quality, its price and any other facility of the service and we reject to give a permanent regulation regarding that which is only for the ease of providing services to the customers by many service providers staying within their own frame.  But we, as an institution give equal rights/equal expectation to the customers/vehicle owners, if the client who obtain services is a registered person in our platform, if it is an account maintained using only correct information when registering/if it is an account which is already maintained by using only correct information, in an event of mentioned that the institution/shop provided that service had been registered with us prior to obtain the service by you, although it has been stated that responsibilities for the services obtained will be held but not holding, in an event of service is not provided correctly or could be stated logically that the customer is prejudiced, steps against said institution could be taken by the report of confirmation that the service was obtained and considering the prejudice occurred, if said institution repeatedly commits same defect, our institution is bound to suspend the said service or to discontinue of providing services further by said institution or give any other punishment that may seem fit.  We are also bound to produce reasons for the actions taken as aforesaid in keeping with the legal matters.


            06.5      When purchasing goods using market place concept, no any type of goods distribution service on cash payment or involving our institution will be carried out and we will be exempted from the responsibility for the defects committed by forged businessmen as aforesaid.  Although we are excepted from the responsibility, as a web service carried out as stated in 02.1 above, we will taken action as may seem fit giving prior notice or later, considering as a misuse of the service.


            06.6      As stated in the website by service providing institutions, in an event of suspended providing services temporarily or permanently without giving prior notice, our institution won’t hold responsibility for the inconveniences caused and such circumstances shall be considered as a defaulting of services by the service providing institution.


              06.7      Our institution won’t hold the responsibility for not getting services on time although a customer order has been placed / time has been reserved or the practical issues/inconveniences made deliberately and such circumstance shall be considered as a default of duties by the customer.


              06.8      Although our institution couldn’t take action directly up to now with regard to the matters contained in 05.6 and 05.7 above, we will create a fair background for the customers and service stations via a measure of evaluation.


07.       Customer responsibility


                07.1      Customer shall use his/her account correctly by updating it

                        07.1.1   Customers’ personal information shall be entered correctly

                        07.1.2   Information relating to the vehicles shall be entered correctly

                        07.1.3   Information relating to the vehicle ownership shall be entered correctly


               07.2      In obtaining services by the customers, it is customers’ duty to be present at the service station on time (if time has been reserved) and assist the service station as much as possible.

               07.3      In obtaining services as aforesaid and if the customer possesses a valid bill issued by the esymyauto.lk, he/she will be entitled to take action in an event of prejudiced him/her as stated above and the customer has absolute right of demanding a valid bill issued by the esymyauto.lk and our institution will be exempted from the responsibilities for not publishing such valid bill or a service.


08.  Confidentiality Policy


As stated in 07.1.1 above, we will obtain the customers’ personal data viz any information contained in the driving license and such information won’t be given to a third party on business intent.


The telephone numbers obtained as aforesaid will be used to connect you and confirm that you are a genuine customer.


Further, the telephone numbers for an emergency purpose will be obtained at any service station to assist a party who has in-service permission to obtain such customer information and only for the purpose of information when customer has got ill or met with an accident.  Service station owners consider that this will be an assistance extended to the customers.


The blood group information will be used 100% just to inform the hospitals and it is a duty to keep informed the hospitals or ambulances by service stations after making aware of our institution.


Permission to obtain information of customer vehicles will be granted only at the time of obtaining services using telephone the number registered in the system by the customer at any service station or only if the registered telephone number, name or such sensitive information has been given to said service station.


Information or other confidential information obtained by us for the business purpose at shops / service stations won’t be given to any third party on any reason.


You are kindly informed to make aware of esymyauto.lk at any event of arising issues regarding the matters aforesaid and get solved such issues.

Today | අද දිනය 2024-Oct-22